Hey! Long time no see. This time I want to share about my friends. As you know I am a student in Saint Petersburg State Transport University in Russia and of course, most of my friends are Russian. Interesting, isn't it? Wanna know more about Russian teenagers' personalities? Let's check it out.
So, my name class is УПП-608, from faculty Управление Перевозками и Логистика (re: upravlenie perevozkami i logistika). It consists of 26 people. Most of it is foreign students / иностранные студенты, like my friends and I from Indonesia. They are very friendly, and good person. They'll help us whenever we need help. Here I have some photos of them, but there are a couple of people who does not appear in the photos. I like it with my new friends.Okay, I think that's all about my friends here. I don't know what I'm going to say anymore. I'm sorry if this time I made it a tiny tiny post :) And thanks for always reading my absurd posts, see you in another posts.