On the way to Summer!

Hey! Good morning/good night, folks! How are you today? I hope you're fine and always have a great day. As we know, it's May already and soon it'll be June, July, August - holiday. I love holidays! Because I don't have any stressful work to do, I could relax all day or doing something else that way more useful :)

So, right now I'm on my way to my second summer in Russia, even though I am going back to Indonesia in July, that would be no problem to me. I feel so excited, though exams still approaching and haunting me every time I type a word here, again - it couldn't stop me. 

So far, I think spring season here not good, but not too bad. There were strong winds and grey clouds, that made me wore my coat, but not for Russians - they are strong enough to wear thin cloak in a weather like that. Salute! Clap along everybody, clap along!

I think this time I'm going to make this journal a little bit short, because it's midnight here and I should go to sleep but I'm thinking maybe I should share some photos of Russia's spring. So here we go!

Not so many, but this is the best photos I have right now. Any other great photos later, I'm sure I'll let you know ;)  Now, I think this is where I should say goodbye to you all, thank you for always reading my blog and for you - have a great day 'cause you are awesome! So long, folks! :)

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